SCreenmaSter?CSWastewater Bar Screen
TheSCREEnMASTER?CSprovides efficient cleaning of a bar screen and removal of solids from rectangular channel installations. This versatile unit employs a simple, yet effective rotary front clean/front return raking mecha- nism. It installs at a 75o inclination so it has a very small footprint. The unit is fully enclosed above the water line.
The SCreenMASTer CS provides smooth quiet operation and is highly reliable. It employs oversized rake heads that penetrate the screen slots as
they reach the?channel bottom and?lift accumulated?debris to a?discharge height?of up to 38 ft?(11.6m) from?the channel?bottom. The?screenings drop out the unit’s discharge chute and into a SpIrALIFT SC Screenings conditioner/washer or into a bin or auxiliary conveyor.
The SCreenMASTer is fabricated in stainless steel including the unit’s oversized drive chains. unlike other screens, the unit’s design employs no bottom bearings or sprockets thereby eliminating a major cause of maintenance problems. This unit is available with 1/4” to 2” bar slots.