TheSCREEnMASTER?STemploys fine screening “step-bar” technology. This unit is a uniquely depend- able and an effective screening system that features the strongest, most easy to maintain and durable step screen design available.
上海英帥機電代理的富蘭克林 SCREENMASTER ST
SCreenmaSter®StStep Style Fine Screen
TheSCREEnMASTER®STemploys fine screening “step-bar” technology. This unit is a uniquely depend- able and an effective screening system that features the strongest, most easy to maintain and durable step screen design available.
The ST has a superior linkage system with no chains or sprockets. It has a unique sealed low friction bottom step without plastic spacers. The robust two-piece bar design (lamelas) retains straightness and is easy to maintain.
The solids accumulate as a mat on the screen until a level sensor indicator activates the unit. The motor rotates the bars incrementally, moving the materials up the bar screen steps. When the solids reach the top, they fall into a bin, washer or conveyor.